About Us We strive for development of the shipping industry

Company Introduction

HomeAbout UsKorea Maritime Navigational Equipment Manufacturer

We are well positioned to be a leader in
the maritime technologic industry

Company Introduction

Since 1985, we, MECys, have led the development of various maritime navigational equipments and are supplying educational simulators to the Korea Navy, Korea Coast Guard, and maritime educational institutions such as KMOU, KIMFT, etc. By 2015 we developed our indigenous technology ECDIS for domestic application. ECDIS complies with international standards and has also received various certifications. As we, MECys, are in possession of such a key technology, we are well positioned to be a leader in the maritime technologic industry.

Company Introduction
Kim, KwangSik
Head Office
62, Gogwan-ro, Dong-gu, Busan, 48792, Republic of Korea
Boryeong VTS office
Business fields
Navigation, Training(Simulator), Offshore , VTS System etc.,
Mission Statement
“Best product provider based on the best human power and technology Company trusted for the best service”
- Being an expert company for the integrated solution on the marine navigation equipments - Creation of the new paradigm for the ship management - Global leader for the marine technology

With Best human power,
Aiming for the best technology, Providing the best product/service.

  • 01
  • icon1 Support for seafarer's training

  • - Supplying ECDIS and simulators along with free maintenance services to the maritime educational institutions.( Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Korea Institute of Maritime & Fisheries Technology, Korea Coast Guard Academy, Hyundai Marine Service, Hanjin Shipping etc. )
    - Donated ECDIS software.( Korea Maritime & Ocean University, The Korea Navy)

  • 02
  • icon2 R&D for enhanced technologies

  • - Successful development of indigenous ECDIS.
    - Currently developing a relative ship energy efficie-ncy system

  • 03
  • icon3 Core Technologies

  • - Signal processing and tracking of objects on Radar
    - Display of electronic charts and land maps in real-time.
    - Display of 3 dimensional terrain model.

  • 04
  • icon4 Ethical Management

  • - Enforcement of the guideli-nes of ethical management and behavior.
    - Donations to UNICEF and the Korean Red Cross Society, etc.