Navigational simulator Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (NTPRO 5000) enables simulator training and certification of watch officers, chief officers, captains and pilots on all types of vessels.

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Navigational simulator Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (NTPRO 5000) enables simulator training and certification of watch officers, chief officers, captains and pilots on all types of vessels.
NTPRO 5000 simulates integration of ship/channel hydrodynamic effects and operational procedures so that simulators can be used not only for traditional maritime training but for a number of R&D applications as an effective port /channel /terminal design tool.
• Realistc soft grounding simulation
• Lock effect
• Modeling of ship squat in restricted channels
• Modeling of bank and channel effects
• Effect of mud layers
• Parametric effect of waves on ship stability
VizualizationLeading the way in visualisation, Transas offers a brand-new highly realistic visualisation system. Visual presentation of a new wave includes three dimensional bow waves and associated floating object interference, reflection of the entire scene, water translucency and light refraction, white caps, foam and splashes.
Instuctor WorkplaceThe role of instructors in simulator training cannot be overestimated. The instructor station incorporated in Transas simulators provides the instructor with all the necessary tools for the efficient generation, editing, managing and assessment of training exercises
Engine Room Simulator
The Transas Engine Room simulator is designed to train and assess the competence of engine department personnel, including officers in charge of an engineering watch, second and chief engineers and ratings forming part of engineering watch
• Ship’s diesel propulsion plant
• Ship’s electric power plant
• Auxiliary systems and machinery
• Local control from the engine room
• Machinery sound imitation
• Alarm systems with Sound & Visual Alarm Unit
• 3D visualization
Instructor software features• Exercise editor
• Trainee briefing facility
• Monitoring and recording the trainee’s work in online mode
• Debriefing facility for viewing and analysing the recorded exercises
• Extended possibilities for exercise data printing
• e-Tutor evaluation and assessment system
• Integrated communications system
Comparison of Fuel Efficiency Depending on Engine Changes• Materialize changes in fuel efficiency and outflow of waste gas depending on engine operation methods
• Can store and output data related to engine efficiency following various settings
• Can use for research through providing equation of models
Comparison of Engine PerformanceCan measure engine performance for combustion states changing depending on engine conditions
Can develop customized models same with engines of actual ships following customers’ requests and materialize effects with customized education through it
Customized models for engines of coast guard 3,000-ton vessels
Customized models for engines of coast guard 3,000-ton vessels
High Voltage Simulator
ITransas High Voltage Training Breaker is a high voltage training solution for marine engineering and electrical training. A real hardware high voltage generator breaker cabinet was developed by Transas in partnership with power technology specialist ABB to meet the recently introduced STCW requirements, such as mandatory high voltage training on real equipment. The breaker is compatible with the Transas ERS 5000 TechSim simulators with high and medium voltage systems.
Power management system software produced to accurately describe systems of
actual ships and ways to operate them, and to grasp the entire situations at a time
Can observe conditions of earthing switch operation
Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator
Transas Liquid Cargo Handling simulators are designed to train and certify crew members of liquid cargo tankers, gas carriers and terminals, as well as other staff responsible for the safe cargo handling and the operation of auxiliary equipment. Liquid Cargo Handling simulator provides an exact, detailed copy of vessel/terminal systems and its compartments.
• General arrangement of the tanker and its systems
• Maintenance of the tanker systems on management level
• Control of vessel ballast system
• Control of trim, stability and stress
• Proficiency in tanker technological operation
• Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage
• Tanker/terminal interaction: cargo transfer systems, shore storage, shore equipment and instrumentation
• Loading control system
Tanks, hull strength, ship stability and ship loading in the simulator are calculated by the Load Calculator System. This program links all the necessary shipboard calculations with the ship loading, its stability and strength. The inclusion of this program is driven by STCW 2010 recommendation B 1/12, i 40 (2,3).
• Various Model types
Ship model library includes the major gas and oil tankers used in the marine cargo handling industry worldwide. All simulator models are based on the real ship prototypes and replicate its system. The terminal simulators reproduce the real gas/oil terminal stations equipment and provide a trainee with detailed layout familiarization and management of the terminal systems.
The ship model library copies all simulator models, including gas and oil tanker models that are considered important in the world’s maritime cargo handing industry, very faithfully based on actual ships and terminals.
Various Kinds of CargoCan make choices among various kinds of cargo from the database of a simulator and support operation of almost all cargo
Graphic User Interface (GUI)Interface is suitable for grasping the entire system principles and operation familiarization, and supports acquisition of system operation techniques.
Development of Custom ModelsDevelop and provide DNV A-class models for specific oil and chemical and product carriers based on basic data offered to customers (it takes three or four months)